Opportunities, ideas and answers are usually right in front of our eyes, yet so many of us don’t see them.  Organizations that can look at the same situations as others yet see something completely different are the ones who will succeed and thrive long term.

To thrive, everything you do must be done with intention. This requires being connected in all that you do.     


Work with intention


Derrick’s simple yet powerful model for organizational effectiveness provides clarity on what matters so that focus and connection are day-to-day habits geared to deliver intentional results.



Design a clear vision and other key fundamentals around leadership, culture and differentiation.



Create an organizational environment that has key components connected and moving in the same direction.



Effectively execute on a day-to-day basis by intentional hiring, developing, and retaining people who design and align with your company needs.

Cut through the noise

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High impact leadership programs and workshops that align and connect to your specific organizational needs.

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Cost effective organizational consulting using the Design, Align, Deliver Model to help you achieve intentional results.  

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Unique proprietary methods and tools paired with key partnerships (e.g. DISC, EQ, Motivators), that quickly assess with better information.

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Meet Derrick Strand

Derrick focuses his work on Organizational Effectiveness and is based in Richmond, Virginia.

He is a facilitator, consultant and speaker in addition to designing and delivering training & development to a wide variety of clients across all industries.

He focuses on organizational results through proprietary methods, diagnostics & approaches that are designed to eliminate barriers and clear paths. In other words, they cut through all the organizational “noise” that prevents success.